Over the past few weeks we have been inundated with a phenomenal amount of volunteers from the public to support vulnerable members within our communities in the current climate.
We are currently working hard to process our volunteer applications, ready to match them with people needing support. We are delighted to have already matched over 500 people with our volunteers, which is a fantastic achievement and speaks volumes on how this pandemic is bringing people together. In times like this it raises awareness on how vulnerable people can be with our communities.
We’ve had a case in which an elderly lady in her eighties had been surviving on a diet of cereal and water. Thankfully due to the service and support we offer, one of our Volunteer Officers immediately went out and bought essential food items and delivered them to her front door. Our support doesn’t just stop there, we have made sure that this lady, for the foreseeable future, has a food parcel delivered to her home to ensure she doesn’t go without food.
We are now in a position where we have more than enough volunteers for our Befriending Service. At this moment in time we are no longer recruiting any more volunteers and have closed recruitment for all of our volunteer positions.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all those people that have been part of our journey of support during this unprecedented time.
If you’re still interested in volunteering you can either sign up for our newsletter for opportunity alerts.

Or you can visit Our Lancashire website at www.ourlancashire.org.uk and see all the groups that may require additional support at this time.
If you’d like to know more information about our current volunteers click here to see what they get up to (outside of a pandemic).