We now have over 1400 people signed up to help at Covid-19 Vaccination centres. Our dedicated Covid-19 Marshals receive a regular newsletter. Click here to read the latest edition in full, as well as previous ones.
We’re still recruiting now and again in certain areas, so if you are interested in becoming a Covid-19 Vaccination Marshal volunteer, keep an eye on the website as a recruitment window opens on Monday mornings. Our frequently asked questions (FAQs) are kept up to date, and should answer most queries you may have about the role.
Here are a few highlights from the latest Covid-19 volunteering newsletter. Thank you so much to all our of volunteers, including Telephone Befrienders and Shopping Supporters, for all you are doing to support people in your communities.
In the week starting 8th February 2020, out of a possible 3,259 shifts, LVP volunteers covered 3,205 shifts. An amazing achievement!
Here are some words of thanks and appreciation for our volunteers, from Jane Scattergood, Covid-19 Vaccination Director:
“We couldn’t have achieved this without the incredible partnership working across NHS, local authorities, public sector, health and care staff, other partners, and you, our amazing volunteer workforce.
We knew when we began the planning and rollout of the vaccination programme that we couldn’t do it alone and would need the support of the community. I cannot begin to express how heart-warming it is to know that so far over 1,200 local people have come forward to volunteer their time to support their local NHS and help bring an end to this ongoing pandemic.
Supporting our 7 mass vaccinations sites, 25 primary care network (PCN) local vaccination services and four pharmacy run vaccination services, we are working with LVP to deploy around 570 volunteer marshals per week. I would like to personally thank every single one of you for the time and support you have provided.
I would also like to point out that in your role as a volunteer marshal you are considered frontline health care staff. As such, you are entitled to receive the vaccination and if you have not yet had it, please make sure you let the site you are next volunteering at know. It is important that you are vaccinated; not only to protect yourself, but also to protect the vulnerable people attending the vaccine clinic that you are supporting.
Once again, thank you for your ongoing support and the time you are giving up to support the vaccination programme.”
Jane Scattergood, NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Director (pictured below)