Lancashire Volunteer Partnership (LVP) have been working with companies since September 2022 to support them with their Corporate Social Responsibility. These companies give their staff up to three days a year to volunteer and give back to the community.
LVP liaises with the companies and identifies a suitable one-day project for a group of volunteers to undertake, the majority of these have been gardening projects at an Older People’s Home or a Day Centre. The volunteers have undertaken many jobs including weeding, digging, turning over beds, pruning, planting, painting sheds and garden furniture and cleaning paths and walkways by jet washing, weeding and brushing.
The response from each project has been extremely positive, the staff and residents/service users from the homes/day centres have advised that the work has made a significant improvement to the grounds, and they have really appreciated all the hard work that the volunteers have done. The volunteers have fed back that they have really enjoyed the day and thoroughly enjoyed contributing to improving the area for everyone to enjoy.
We will be sharing some more information related to this over the next few weeks, including before and after pictures so watch this space!!