Lancashire Volunteer Partnership celebrated Volunteers’ Week 2019 with events around the County, to mark the end of the week we organised a thank you celebration Morning Tea event at Lancashire Police HQ in Hutton. Volunteers from different public services came together to exchanges stories, enjoy refreshments and of course a quiz! We were fortunate to have a number of guest speakers including LCC Chief Executive Angie Ridgwell,  Assistant Chief Constable Terry Woods and Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner Chris Webb who gave thanks for the contribution our volunteers have made to many different individuals, services and communities in Lancashire. We also received an update on the work of cyber-crime prevention from Louisa Murphy  who spoke of the contribution volunteers have made to reaching over 10,300 people delivering safety advice and guidance to the public; from children through to the elderly and also businesses, offering general support in protect their company from online harms. It was a great opportunity to hear more from volunteers about their experiences, our Volunteers enjoyed Morning Tea served by LVP Volunteer Officers and competed to win the quiz!