There  are so many opportunities listed under different categories it can be overwhelming to know where to start, our most viewed post after the home page is Thinking about Volunteering which is a useful starting point. From there website users go on to the following pages, if you have ever wondered what other volunteers are up to we have compiled the Top 10 from last weeks website viewing:

Community Engagement Support

Individual Litter Picker

Independent Advisory Group

Countryside Information

Group Support Volunteer

In The Know Administrator 

Library Volunteer

Volunteering Outdoors

Cadet Leader

Community Support (Befriending)

Vacancies can vary by area, so the easiest way of finding opportunities close to your home or work address is to search with the postcode here

If you have any questions for us you can use the Contact form here. We are also on Facebook and Twitter so you can keep up to date with Lancashire Volunteer Partnership there too.